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AP English Literature and Composition

Student Comments
Summer Reading Assignment
Meet Your Teacher

Please obtain and read Fences, a play by August Wilson, and reference this packet in order to complete the activities described below. Please be ready to submit your work in a Google Doc by the end of the first full week of school.


1. Read John Updike's poem on page 2. Answer the 2 questions. 


2. Pages 3-12 help to explain the time period that the play is set in and introduce works of art that August Wilson found inspirational in his writing. Please read these pages, review the pieces of art by Romare Bearden mentioned in these pages, and respond to the prompts as indicated.


3. Answer the questions on Page 13 for the exposition of the play.


4. Skip page 14


5. For page 15 choose 5 interpretative questions and respond to them with textual evidence. 


6. Skip pages 16-18.


7. Read August Wilson's own words on the play he created on page 19. Write a response to one of his quotes. Agree or disagree with his assertion. Use textual evidence to support your argument.



Hi! My name is Ms. Karaliolios

You can email me at:


I have a Masters in English education and have been teaching for sixteen years. I grew up in Florida and my parents own a diner. My dad has named burgers after me and my son. I suppose this is my legacy. I also love to read and teach literature. I look forward to talking about the power of the written word with you. 


Hi. I am Ms. Rice.

Email: arice


I started my career as an NYC Teaching Fellow. I have a BA in English Literature and an MA in English Education. Before Dwight Global, I taught at schools in New York City, Oakland and San Diego. I love books, travel and theater, and I live in Connecticut with my husband and two boys. This is my second year at Dwight Global, and I am really looking forward to it. No matter how many times you read something, there is always something new to be found. I can't wait to see what we discover together!


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